Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Dear Dad, I know I don't tell you very often on how much I appreciate you but I appreciate you more than you think. I appreciate that you have taken over the mom role you have always been there for me when I have been upset or mad you have stayed up late listening to me cry and all you did was just lay there and listen to me cry and held me while I was crying and for a guy you give the best advice. I also appreciate that you work your butt off to support us you also cook, clean, and do laundry. We should just call you Mr. Mom. I appreciate everything you do for me. I couldn't ask for a better dad. I love you very much.


What stresses me out? Well work and school stress me out... A LOT. How do I deal with it? There are a few ways that I deal with stress... I take deep breaths to make me relax, I listen to music, I go for a walk or drive, I go to sleep, or I read a book. Those are they ways I deal with stress. :)

Top Ten Things I Am Thankful For!

10. I am thankful for technology cause without it my life would be an emotional wreck.
 9.  I am thankful for my puppy named kitty, when we were all in a gloomy state he snapped us out of it and took our mind off of things.
8. I am thankful that everyone in my family is really healthy.
7. I am also thankful for my old cat his name was Stupid he was probably one of the best animals ever whenever you were sad he was always right next to you to comfort you he was more like a best friend then anything. No matter what he was always right there by your side and always wanted to cuddle he made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I miss him like crazy.
6. I am thankful that I am lucky enough to have a roof over my head.
5. I am thankful that my brother gets to spend Christmas with us this year instead of in prison. It's good to know that he is doing better and is changing for the better and this means he gets to also spend it with his daughter too this year.
4. I am thankful that my sister Riley is bringing a baby into this world soon and it is doing good! Every check up has turned out great!
3. I am thankful for my family. Especially my grandparents that passed away they have taught me a lot and when I was growing up they always did stuff with us and it wasn't even huge things it was just quality time together like going on walks and reading eye spy books with us. They never had a lot of money which didn't matter they taught me to appreciate what you have and never take anything for granted and I don't think I could ask for better grandparents. I miss them like crazy.
2. I am thankful for my mom for being there for me when I need her to be. Even though she hasn't always been there for me I know she loves me and cares about me.
1. I am thankful for my dad he has always been there for me and yes I am a daddy's girl. He has taught me how to fish and hunt. He works very hard to support our family and he has been there for me whenever I am sad he actually takes the mom roll for me he has always been the one giving me advice and has stayed up late at night while I cried myself to sleep. He means the world to me and I don't know what I would do without my dad.

Friday, December 6, 2013

When I Become A Parent...

When I become a parent I will teach my kids how to fish just like my dad taught me, I will hold their hand just like my dad whenever we would go to the grocery store just so he wouldn't lose us and to show us that he loves us and I would tuck them in really tight right before they go to bed. I will cook and clean just like my mom and I will always be there to comfort my kids when they are sad and I will lay in bed with them just like my mom did and rub their backs until they fell asleep.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Main Goal!

My main goal is to graduate high school. The steps leading into this would be being positive about going to school if I tell myself that I am going to have a good day and be there on time and stay motivated then I will do it. Secondly, I need to be more focused in class if I don't sit next to my friends then I won't talk to them and I would focus on what the teacher is saying that way I will actually know what we are discussing in class. Thirdly, I need to get more organized that way I would know what homework I had to do then I would want to study and do my work more if I was organized then I would get good grades. Lastly, I need to make school work my number one priority instead of my friends because I am always wanting to go out with my friends instead of doing school but I can do both I just need to manage my time better. If I follow these steps and goals then I should get through the rest of high school and BOOM.. graduate!

Think About This..

Think about if you got divorced how would you settle property, child custody, and divorce costs? Well, I would probably let him keep the house and I would probably move into a smaller place. As far as custody over the children goes I would want to keep them during the week and he could have them on the weekends and every other holiday.

What if you were a single mom how would you cope emotionally and financially? If I were a single mom I would cope with things emotionally by taking moments to relax after having a hard day at work. Financially I would pay for bills first and then we would have spending money left over.

Elderly parents wanna move in with you what conflicts and adjustments would arise? Well, I wouldn't be able to take care of them like they should be so I would probably put them in a nursing home.

You just got remarried how would you discipline the kids? How would you divide the chores? What would you want the kids to call you? What would you do about a living space would you want them to move in with you, you move in with them or get a new house together? Well if I got remarried I would probably ask my husband what he would want me to do if they were misbehaving just to set some guidelines but if we didn't discuss it then I would just wait until he got home so he could decide what their punishment should be. Dividing chores I would probably let the older one do the more difficult chores just because they could do things that the little ones can't and let the little kids do small things like pick up your toys, etc. Personally, I wouldn't care what they could call me just as long as they were comfortable. I would rather get a house together that way I wouldn't have to be in the same house where memories were made and same goes for him, I would want a fresh start something that was ours.

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Happy" After.

         In Family Studies we've learned how to build and maintain a healthy relationship.You have to build a strong foundation my grandma and grandpa have built a strong foundation by starting out by just being friends which I think is personally a good thing that way you know the real them and not who they are trying to be whenever you are just friends you tend to open up more so they know more about you. You tell them your secrets and they will always have your back and they have yours that's what friends do then it led to something more but things never really changed all that much since they are still best friends they just are married and have a healthy relationship. While they were just friends they learned each others interests and they are pretty compatible they both like the same things although my grandpa likes to go gambling and she doesn't so she usually stays at home whenever he goes gambling which that is okay with her. I have never seen my grandpa and grandma fight but they must have a way of apologizing.